Web Statistics

Does newspaper advertising still make sense?

In a word, YES!  Whether you read the news in print or online, newspapers deliver key benefits that other media can’t touch.

Readers trust newspaper ads8in10 adults

Nielsen findings show that newspaper advertisements continue to be among the most trusted forms of advertising.

Readers want newspaper ads

The top 3 reasons to read the local newspaper are local news, local events AND THE ADS!

Readers engage with newspaper ads

Print newspapers scored higher than any other media on engagement.  What was second? Newspaper websites.

Readers are influencers

Influencers can make or break your company.  They are heavily engaged with local newspapers and hold sway with family, friends and peers.  Put this valuable group to work for you by connecting with them through the media they use and trust.

Want to know MORE?


Give us a chance to show you how well print advertising can work for you.  Get a FREE* newspaper ad just for sitting down and talking to us about your business. There’s no obligation to buy anything, we just want to earn your business.


September 9, 2016
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